Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
Afghanistan’s harsh conditions and rough terrain impede the expansion and maintenance of public infrastructure, including water supply and sanitation systems. Decades of conflict and weak governance have curbed investment in public infrastructure and made enforcing relevant sanitation and hygiene regulations difficult. Cities across the country are growing at rates double the current average in Asia. Afghanistan’s urbanization and shifting demographics are driven by the increasing number of people displaced by fighting in the countryside, refugees who are returning from Pakistan and Iran, and rural residents who are looking for economic opportunities. Afghanistan also has no functioning sewage and wastewater treatment systems, and existing septage management systems are informal. Only 63 percent of Afghans have access to basic drinking water, and only 39 percent have access to basic sanitation. [ref]
Ehsas is committed to facilitate clean water to the most vulnerable poor villages.